Friday, October 29, 2010

Processing Black and White photos

1.)Materials necessary to process black and white film:
• Lighttight film-processing tank that accepts the size of
film you are planning to process
• Darkroom graduate or a 16-oz (473 mL) measuring cup
• Darkroom thermometer
• Several quart jars or bottles (glass, stainless steel, or
plastic) for the processing solutions
•To mix solutions you need a stirring paddle
• Soft viscose sponge
• Darkroom timer or a clock
• Scissors
• Bottle or magazine opener if you are processing film in
size135 magazines
• Protective gloves to prevent skin contact with chemicals
• Spring-type clothespins for hanging processed film to
To make prints, you’ll need this equipment:
• Safelight, such as a KODAK Darkroom Lamp with a
KODAK OC Safelight Filter (light amber)
• Printing frame or enlarger
• 8 x 10-inch piece of heavy cardboard
• Four photographic processing trays a little larger than
the largest prints you plan to make (or shallow pans or
dishes made of glass, plastic, china, or stainless steel)
• Print squeegee or soft viscose sponge


3.)Processing Your Proof Sheet
a.) Take the exposed paper from the printing frame or
enlarger easel and slide it completely into the developer,
emulsion side down. Then turn the paper over, and
agitate by rocking the tray gently throughout the
development time (1 minute for POLYCONTRAST IV
RC Paper in DEKTOL Developer). Tip up first one side,
then the adjacent side.
b.) Take the paper out of the developer and let it drain for
5 seconds. Then immerse it in the stop-bath solution for
at least 10 seconds, agitating thoroughly as in Step 1.
c.) Remove the paper from the stop bath, drain it for
2 seconds, and slip it into the fixer. Agitate frequently
for 2 minutes. You can turn on the room lights after
about 30 seconds. (If you have more than one print in
the tray, keep them separated.) Do not overfix.
d.) Transfer your print to the wash tray. Wash for 4 minutes
in gently running water at a temperature between 50 and
85°F (10 and 30°C). Avoid overwashing.
e.) Use a soft viscose sponge or a soft rubber squeegee to
remove excess water from the print surfaces. Dry the
print on a flat surface at room temperature with good air
circulation. You can speed drying by blowing warm air
from a portable hair dryer onto the print. Make sure that
the temperature of the air is below 190°F (88°C).

4.) Picture of of the equipment necessary to process film and chemicals

1. Contact sheet: A contact sheet is a positive print of all the negative images from one film, made by a contact printing process so that all the images are the same size as the negative.
2. Agitation: It is a process in which the air bubbles that usually occur when dry film is immersed in a solution can be removed without harmful effects in the predevelopment water rinse.
3. Enlarger: Is a specialized transparency projector used to produce photographic prints from film or glass negatives. All enlargers consist of a light source, normally an incandescent light bulb, a holder for the negative or transparency, and a specialized lens for projection
4. Developer: Is a chemical that makes the latent image on the film or print visible.
5. Stop Bath: An acidic bath that is used after the developer to stop development and reduce fixer contamination.
6. Fixer: A chemical solution used for the conversion of unused silver halides to a soluble silver so that the image remains stable and unalterable when exposed to light.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What the pros are doing- Repetition

*I think this picture is a good example of repition because there is two  guys that look similar, each guy is on one side, one on the left and the other on the right. These guys lead to the three people in the middle.

-Two aides hold the doors open for British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, his wife Sarah, and Sam Prince, Managing Director of the Leeds Community Health Care during a campaign stop in Yeadon, England.
*I also think this photo shows repetition because there is eight men that are dressed alike. When they are lined up like this it is easier for the viewer's eye to catch what they are doing.

-Indigenous Zoque men carry baskets containing flowers and candles as offerings inside the cave of Villa Luz, during a ritual called "The fishing of the blind sardine" in Tapijualpa, Mexico.
*I think this picture is the most one that shows repetition because thete is many doctors all dressed the same with the same color. This makes the jaguar stand out more to the viewer. The color of the doctor's suit is all the same and the jaguars fur color is the only one that is different.

-Reyna, a female jaguar, receives dental treatment at a veterinary clinic in Envigago, Colombia.

Monday, October 25, 2010

American Soldier slideshow and captions

A.) I think that the most powerful picture on this slideshow is one in Life in Iraq, it almost tells you the whole story of his army life. There is soldieres leaning on the truck because of the viewpoint. Also because you know where they are, and you know how they feel by the way they look and the expressions on there faces.

B.) I think the most powerful sequence is the one of coming home because you can see the happiness and tears of joy. You can see the story they are telling you and all he achieved and succeded in.

C.) These images work together by going in order its kind of like a timeline. They put the pictures in order of what happend first to last.

A.) The verbs are written in present tense. They are written exactly what he is saying.

B.) The captions enhance the photos by explaining what is going on and to understand the picture. It also enhances by making the picture more powerful and for it to make sence to the viewer.
A.) Ian helps the other soldier, Robert Munoz hand up the christmas lights in the platoon's operations center because Munoz like this place to be decorative for his troops.

A.) These features enhance the photographs by making the viewer pay more attention and so you can understand the picture better. It makes it more intresting and you can understand the way he was feeling and what was going through his mind.

B.) Videos are better than photos in some ways because they have better explanations of what is going on, some people might not get what is happening with just a caption and what the picture has. They might need someone to be explaining and talking about what is going on.

C.) Photos are better than videos in some ways because a picture can tell a whole story to some people without a caption. Also videos keep going and don't stop while pictures are like freezing time and you can see everything that happened in one shot.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Iraq slide show-Extra Credit

This photographer used the rule of lines in the picture above. This picture has a lot of lines like the ones on the top of the wall and on the bottom of the wall. It is also showing lines in the flag that is in front of the man. I picked this photo because I really love the colors and the style of it. It looks very bright and the flag and shandeliere catches your eye.

This photographer used the rule of simplicity. The picture above shows a man with a red hat, he also has a ciggar and cellphone in his hand. He is the main thing in this picture and its very simple so you know to focus on him. I picked this picture because it shows the rule of simplicity very good and also because you can almost know what he is like in person by what he is holding and his face expression.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Bob i scarrying Charlie on his back while climbing some mountains. As you can see Charlie had a little accident.

The cat named Lily is trapped in a washing mashine. She is very mad that they don't take her out of it.

The cat Sam and the dog named Bobby got very bored and started playing tag. Booby started taking things to seriously and Sam Was getting terrified.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Malboro Marine

A.) Luis Sinco had to go to war with him, and had to go through a lot just to take one picture while he was fighting at war. There was a lot of danger around him but he still desided to go to anyways and take pictures for this slideshow. He also helped Malboro with all his problems he was there for him.

B.) The effect of the multemedia effects was to make the pictures better and more clear. I think it was also to make the picture more dramatic. The pictures looked more sad and more scary with the effects. When they edited the pictures it makes it go more with the story and what he was talking about.

A.) To me the most powerful picture is when he is standing there looking at the ocean because you can tell they are talking about him and you can see that he is thinking and he is sad. I also like that the sky looks very light compared to the water it is a balenced picture.

B.) The sequence of photographs that is most powerful is when he is with his wife because when they take pictures it has simplicity like they are in the middle of the photographh and they want you to focus on them and they make the backgroung a little blurry and the expressions on their faces also make the sequence powerful.

C.) The audio enhances the photographs by making it more clear in what the picture is telling you and also to make it go with the story. To me it made it more intresting then just to put a slideshow of pictures without background music or people telling the story.

D.)The images work to make a story because it looks like they go in order in what happen beggining to ending. Also when he is saying something they would put a picture of what he was talking about.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Show and Tell

I think this picture is intresting because of the guy. Everyone is dancing and he is the only one that stands out. His tattos are very colorful and have a lot of details which makes this picture intresting and cool to look at. I like the background of the trees and the sky.

I think this video is intresting because of the people. They would do anything for the basketball game. Everyone wanted tickets to get in. When the fans got which was a lot of people they were supporting the team and they all had theyr'e cellphones out and waving them which is intresting. This video had a lot of movement going on too.

Contest Preview Show and Tell

Environmental Self Portrait Contest
This picture is powerful because it is retro. The girl behind all those papers looks very busy but suprised at the same time. You can see everything is organized and also her whole desk is full. This picture is black and white and the backround shows a shelf with many books which blends in with her desk, that is a reason why i like this picture a lot. 

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Great Black and White Photographers part 3

1.) What first caught  my eye while looking at the photographer's photos was that he had a lot of details on them. I noticed he takes a lot of pictures of the outside and waterfalls. I like the way it looks on the picture and the viewpoint of the photos.

2.) First Picture:
- I see mountains, water, and clouds. I can see the reflection of the mountains and clouds on the water. I can also see the lines that form on the water as the wind blows on it.
- I smell the mountains. I can smell the natural smell of the water. I smell the freshness of the air.
- I hear the wind blowing. I can hear the sky thundering.
- I taste the water. I can taste the air that blows towards me.
- I feel the plain soft air blowing. I can feel the light rain starting to fall. I feel the freshness of the water. When I look at this picture it looks very calm, peaceful, and relaxing.

Second Picture:
- I see some mountains, water, clouds, and trees. The water is forming an S curve, and then dissapers as it goes on. You can see that the trees are very dark and the mountains and the clouds are very light.
- I smell the dirt that is all over the place. I smell the grass that surround everything. I can smell the tall trees.
- I hear the birds that live in the trees. I hear the water as it keeps running and never stops.
- I taste the cold water.
- I feel the coldness of the snow on the top of the mountains. The water that lays in the middle of the picture. - I feel the trees that surround the water. When I look at this picture it looks very adventureous.

3.)I would put pictures of him, and that he took all over the place. I would put all those things like on posters and things like that. Also write his name in very big and bright letters. I would also write about him and make it very colorful so it can catch people's attention, and then put posters in a lot of places so anyone can see his photos, who he is, and what he did.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Academics Preview

The Story
This picture tells the story of how the guy is in his science class. He is doing an experiment and it looks like he is very concentrated on what he is doing. The main thing is what he is touching the rest that is behind those things is blurred out which makes the experiment the whole story.

Action and Emotion
This picture has a lot of action because you can see like the teacher guiding the people in front of her the notes they are supposed to play. You can also see the that they are in some sort of stadium and the sadium's lights coming towards the you when looking at the picture

Filling the Frame
You can see the band up on the stage singing, you can see the main singer also playing a guitar with another guy next to him playing a guitar. Closer on the picture you can only see a man's leg pushing something with his foot and you can see him playing the guitar. The only thing that is clear is the man close to the camera all that is behind it is a little blurry.