Thursday, April 21, 2011

Writing a News Lead (lede)

Who: Ethel and Julius Rosenbergs
What: Their parents were executed at Sing Sing for delivering atomic-bomb secrets to the Soviet Union, and still believed their parents did not deserved to die
When: In 1953
Where: To urban anonymity and eventually to suburban obscurity.
Why: "We believed they were innocent and we tried to prove them innocent" Michael Meeropol said.
How: They were against them, because of delivering atomic bombs.

Who: original "Action Comics No. 1" comic book
What: A copy of the original "Action Comics No. 1" comic book, featuring Superman and friends, will make a comeback
When: Co-created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, the comic book first appeared on newsstands for 10 cents a copy in June 1938
Where:Until 1966, the owner forgot about the book, which was hidden in his mother's basement. Since then, he's been holding onto it
Why: Hoping to see it increase in value
How: Over time comic books become more and more valuable as time passes by.

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