Monday, March 28, 2011

Interviewing Skills

Assignment #1:
1. List three different sources you could interview for this topic.
The Pricipal, Teachers, The school board

2. Create 20 questions you could ask each source and post them on your blog. It will be the same 20 questions for each.
#1Why have they decided to put the uniforms?
#2 Do you think it will help the students in any way?
#3If so, what ways?
#4Do you think it is a good idea?
#5Why is it a good or bad idea?
#6In your opinion, do you think it will cause less problems?
#7Why do you think that?
#8Will it cause more conflict between anyone?
#9How long do you think this will last?
#10Do you think anyone would go against it?
#11Why do you think someone will or will not go against this?
#12Do you think the students will bring the uniform?
#13What goals are you trying to reach with having the uniforms?
#14Will this help students focus more in school?
#15When will they start to wear uniforms?
#16Would this change you in anyway?
#17What do you think of the uniform?
#18Do you really think it is necessary in this school?
#19Is this something that would make you want to move schools?
#20Why or why not?

Assignment #2:
Imagine you are working, as a reporter, for the school newspaper and your editor gives you the assignment to interview the student of the month.

1. Please come up with 20 questions you could ask them and post them on your blog in a separate post called Student of the Month Interview.
#1What hepled you get to this point?
#2Did you ever think you would achieve this?
#3What are some stratigies you used to get there?
#4What where some struggles you had getting there?
#5How do you feel about it?
#6What are some things you have to do to be student of the Month?
#7In your opinion was it difficult or easy for you?
#8Do you think in the future you can do this again?
#9Would you like to do this again?
#10How long did it take you to achieve this?
#11Who helped you be student of the Month?
#12Do you have to maintain your grades a certain avrage?
#13Do you think this will make you better in anyways?
#14If so, what ways?
#15Do you think it's a good idea to have Student of the Month?
#16Why do you think it is a good or bad idea?
#17Do you think you will learn something out of this experience?
#18What do you think you will learn from it?
#19Have you achieved anything higher than this?
#20Do you think this will help you in the future in any way? if so, how?

2. Next class you will print your sheets and I will partner you up with someone and you will interview them using those questions.

3. Then post questions and answers on blog.

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